02/19/2008 • Installation • Security, Intrusion Detection, Perimeter Protection • Security Management, Access Control, Time Attendance

Special door closers for hinged doors

Special door closers for hinged doors without frame

Security is nowadays one of the issues with highest priority. After September 11, 2001 there has been initiated even a project for an international standard „supply chain security. Amongst other things it postulates that buildings and industrial estates has to be protected against the access of unauthorized persons.

Access to block of flats or business areas should always be closed, so that just authorized people can enter. In case of kindergardens reliably closed access gates prevent that children run out on the street. At playgrounds the closed gates keep dogs and their “leftovers” outside. And the list of examples could be continued on and on.

In order to make sure that the admission gates are always closed even if the passing person forgets to close it or neglects to do so, DICTATOR provides the DIREKT and RTS gate closers . They represent a reliable and effective solution without having to install a costly door operator. The door closer DIREKT can be applied without problem to most gates, even existing ones. The doorcloser RTS is built almost invisible into the profile of the door. Just the joint of the closer can be seen when the gate is opened. It therefore represents an ideal solution from the architect’s point of view and whenever there exists the danger of vandalism.
Both models close the door automatically and reliably once they are opened. The closing speed is adjustable. The DIREKT gate closer is also available in a complete stainless steel design.

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Dictator Technik GmbH

Gutenbergstraße 9
86356 Neusäß

Phone: +49 821 24673-18
Fax: +49 821 24673-90

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