Portable pyrometers are battery driven instruments for non-contact temperature measurements. Dependent on the surface of the measuring object and the desired temperature range, IMPAC offers various instruments. Numerous of different devices with different equipment versions ensure a optimal customization to the desired applications; available are for example maximum value storage, minimum value storage, data logger for 250 measured values in real-time, interfaces for the analogue or digital analysis.
The spectral ranges are suitable for general applications or for the measurement of special surfaces (e.g. metals, glass). All types are equipped either with laser targeting light or with a thru-lens view finder. Moreover the pyrometers feature short response times, high accuracy and small spot sizes.
The following portable pyrometers are offered:
Series 14 & 15:
- For the measurement of non metallic surfaces or for coated, painted or anodized metals with temperature ranges from -32 ⦠600°C (Series 14) or from -32 ⦠900°C (Series 15). The instruments are equipped with a red laser targeting light to simplify the alignment of the pyrometer. They are designed ergonomically and are easy to handle.
- The instruments of series 14 feature a temperature range from -32 to 400, 500 respectively 600°C at different spot sizes.
- The instruments of series 15 have temperature ranges from -32 to 800 respectively 900°C with small spot sizes (e.g. 20 mm at a measuring distance of 1 m).
- The 3 available types differ in the quantity of storable temperature data (data logger) and in the external analogue, respectively digital interface. In connection with the (optional) close-up lens, the pyrometers of the series 15 (except IN 15-N) are able to measure smallest objects with 2,2 mm diameter (e.g. electronic components) accurately.
Series 15/5:
- Due to the choice of a special spectral range, the pyrometers of the Series 15/5 are optimized for the measurement of glass surfaces; they measure glass temperatures between 150 and 1800°C. In connection with the (optional) close-up lens, the pyrometers are able to measure smallest objects with 2,3 mm diameter accurately.
Series 8:
- The series 8 pyrometers are high-quality, battery driven portables for non-contact temperature measurement between 300 and 2500°C.
- The aluminium die-cast housing is specially designed for the daily use under rough industrial conditions. The easy focusable precision optics provides small spot sizes for measuring distances from 500 mm. The bright, optimized view finder with exact spot indication and built-in temperature display facilitates the accurate aiming on the object. The extremely short response time of 1 ms allows exact measurements of fast moving objects. The maximum temperature can be stored in the built-in peak picker (maximum value storage). The instruments are mainly used in the steel-, glass-, forging industry and in foundries.
- For high temperatures the IS 8 plus is available in two temperature ranges between 600 and 2500°C, for the medium temperatures the IGA 8 plus with a range from 300 to 1300°C.
- The IS 8-GS plus is a special version for use in foundries.
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