03/17/2008 • Microscopy / Imaging

Filter multiband designs

Dual- and Tripleband filtersets have been very well established in fluorescence analysis e.g. for live cell imaging. The new hardcoated multiband technique has improved the spectral characterists of these filtersystems to an unexpected performance.

Transmission > 90% and perfect blocking guarantee high s/n ratios. Hardcoated multiband designs are available for live science applications like CFP/YFP/mCheuy or GFP/Ds RED. Up to four dyes can be handled with the multiband designs for mFISH application ( DAPI/Aqua/Green /orange or DAPI/FITC/Cy3/Cy5)

AHF analysentechnik is very glad to offer these new series of multiband designs in different variations corresponding to the great variability of excitation sources.

(HBO, metalhalide light sources, LEDs, lasers, monochromators) Only well matched spectral characteristics can guarantee the maximum of excitation efficiency.

For microscopes with excitation filterwheels the excitation can be split into many functions like single, dual or tripleband excitation with respect to the multiband data. With additional emission filterwheels the emitters can be controlled separately (FRET detection).

With their longtime experience, the AHF team will also take take care of many other details which go into the different applications to ensure filter set-ups in high perfection.

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