Acolyte Biomedica, the company spun out of the MoD Defence Science and Technology Laboratories (Dstl) at Porton Down, has announced the launch of the BacLite Rapid MRSA test. Salisbury District Hospital takes delivery of the first system at the end of May. Giving same-day results, the MRSA test will allow hospitals to screen patients for the presence of the superbug. This information will enable infection control teams to act quickly to prevent a hospital acquired infection. The final evaluation of the BacLite system at three UK laboratories including those at Barts & The London and Salisbury District NHS Trusts, showed the test can achieve in 5 hours what current microbiological methods take two days to deliver. The test has the same performance as current culture based methods but delivers the results in hours rather than days. In a multi centre trial of 1377 nasal swabs the sensitivity of the test was 93.4% and specificity was 95.8%.
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