
Functional De-icing and Anti-icing Chemicals

Clariant's Safeway and Safewing de- and anti-icers are safe, fast and cost-effective ice control chemicals for use on runways and aircrafts. Used widely in both commercial airports and military air bases which are concerned about the quality of storm water run-off, Clariant is the first choice for high-quality, environmentally friendly products. Safeway and Safewing keep runways and aircraft surfaces clear even under severe winter conditions.

Clariant "Safeway" Runway De-/Anti-icers

Clariant developed Safeway de-/anti-icers on the basis of two fundamental principles – to meet economic and technical requirements, and to offer an alternative to traditional runway de-icers (EG, urea) from an ecological point of view. They work by breaking the bond which holds the ice and snow layer to the surfaces of runways and taxiways thereby facilitating the mechanical ice and snow removal to maintain adequate friction between aircraft tyres and the runway.

Clariant "Safewing" Aircraft Surface De-icing Agents

Ice on an aircraft's wing-surface can have a roughening effect which, in turn, can change those parts of the aircraft which generate lift. As a result, the prescribed aerodynamic safety margins, specified for the aircraft with regard to acceleration and lifting performance are either reduced or completely eliminated. In a worst case scenario, icing on the wing can even cause the aircraft to stall. Therefore ice and snow have to be removed from the aircraft surfaces by applying de-icing agents leaving their wings aerodynamically clean for take-off. Clariant symbolizes wide-ranging expertise in research, development, recycling and environmental protection.
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Clariant GmbH

Am Unisys Park 1
65840 Sulzbach am Taunus

Phone: +49 (0)6196/757-8155
Fax: +49 (0)6196/757-8945