Control System with multiple special ...
functions (airlocks for people, materials,...
With the module PCAN-MIO (Multiple Input Output) PEAK-System Technik introduces a universal, modular controller unit for use both in the industrial and automotive fields. The module has two CAN interfaces as well as multiple analogue and digital inputs and outputs. Incoming signals can be processed by the microcontroller and then outputted via the CAN interfaces or output channels.
The performance of the PCAN-MIO module is configured via a connected CAN bus using a Windows application. For data processing so called functions blocks are available, e.g. hysteresis, low pass, or switch delay. For more complex tasks characteristic curves or characteristic maps can be applied. Also a series of mathematical functions and logical connectives is provided.
An internal bus structure enables expansion of the number of inputs and outputs with additional modules. Customer-specific requirements can be implemented in doing so. Up to six additional modules may be added.
functions (airlocks for people, materials,...