Electroluminescence surveying is a powerful and fast characterisation tool providing spatially resolved information about the electrical, optical and material properties of solar cells. While the duration of off-line measurement is less important, data acquisition within 1-2 seconds is necessary for an industrial inspection. For this task the pco.1300 solar is perfectly suited. The pco.1300 solar’s most unique feature is its increased sensitivity in the NIR range of the spectrum. With an excellent quantum efficiency of up to 11% @ 900nm together with an optical longpass filter the camera captures the cells’ EL with high sensitivity and accuracy.
ROI, binning, cooling, as well as other features of the camera can be selected and optimized to accommodate the user’s application. A software development kit (SDK) with 32 bit-dynamic link library (DLL) goes without saying. The pco.1300 solar features excellent resolution (1392x1040 pixels), 12 bit dynamic range, excellent low noise of 7 e- rms @ 10MHz, standard interface IEEE1394a, and optimal offset stability and control ( 1 count).
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