The new automatic critical angle refractometers of SCHMIDT+HAENSCH are designed for measuring the refractive index of liquid media for applications in the quality control of production and laboratory.
Innovative modular concept of the new ATR refractometer series is just one of the innovative features, allowing the selection of instruments according to the customers needs. Depending on the application the measuring head can be integrated in the controller (ATR ST) or is housed in a separate stainless steel water proof body (ATR SW, W1, W2). Additional advantage is the user friendly operation. Same menu structure of the software allows easy comprehension of all refractometer models.
Incorporating the GLP requirements, the software meets the particular needs of laboratories in chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Models for single or flow-through measurements are available (by means of flow-through compartment doors). All models are available as so called “plus” versions with higher resolution and precision.
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