The new Universal Debug Engine (UDE) - which, together with the equipment family Universal Access Device (UAD) 2+, supports a number of popular 16-bit and 32-bit microcontroller families from: Freescale (MAC71xx), Infineon (TC116x, TC176x, TC1792, TC1766, TC1766ED and TC1796ED), Marvell/Intel (PXA255 and PXA27x), Philips/NXP (LPC3180) and STMicroelectronics (STR910) - distinguishes itself, among other things, with a HTML based profiling page. This page simplifies the efficient evaluation of trace data, because, with its help, it allows the tracking of how its run-time is shared by the individual functions of an application. On-Chip Debug Support (OCDS) Level 2, Embedded Trace Macrocells (ETMs), on-chip emulators such as Infineon's Multi Core Debug System (MCDS), simple Instruction Pointer Snooping (XC16x, XC22x and TriCore microcontrollers) or also simulators are accepted as data sources.
Moreover, newly implemented with the UDE 2.0 is an OCDS Level 2 option, which supports program tracing both for the TriCore versions 1.2 and 1.3 up to 180MHz as well as for the peripheral control processors PCP und PCP2. Additional innovative features include activity tracing for the direct memory access (DMA) unit in TriCore derivatives. Based on the Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM), a follow-up of the program and data sequences, also for ARM based microcontrollers.
The Universal Access Device UAD2+ is equipped with isolated interfaces and JTAG extender technology. By means of standard JTAG debug interfaces, CANbus or serial interfaces, it enables the UDE 2.0 a flexible and, above all, very fast access to the target since new tools, also in a 100MBit Ethernet network, can be easily integrated. The assignment of the necessary IP address is flexible via Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), but also possible manually.
The support for the CANbus, within the test environment, has also been expanded further. The integrated CAN recorder now allows the clear-text display of CANopen messages. Belonging to these are in the standard as well as application-specific defined information, whose significance can be read from Device Configuration Files (DCFs).
Particularly for the debugging of TriCore, XC16x and XC22x microcontrollers, the UDE2.0 additionally provides users with target monitor software, which uses the respective on-chip debug system. Therefore, with the UDE 2.0, in contrast to other monitor solutions, a debugging in the FLASH memory and the use of data breakpoints - also via the CANbus - is possible.
With CMX from CMX Systems and µC/OS-II from Micriµm Technologies Corporation, the UDE 2.0 supports two additional real-time operating systems. The designated HTML based pages for these enable the representation of operating system states, in table and graphic form, dependent on the run-time of the application.
The intuitive, fully customizable user interface, offers among other things: a workbook mode, a powerful symbol browser, fully customizable toolbars, property pages, extensive context related menus, fully adjustable fonts and colors, a user adaptable appearance of the standard windows as well as HTML as description language for user-specific windows. Particularly comfortable are the new docking containers, which, by means of addressed tabs, allow any of the windows to be simply arranged and exchanged.
UDE includes integrated functions like
- in-system programming of FLASH/OTP memories and derivatives
- target debugging and bus/message monitoring via CAN
- monitor-development-kit for the easy adaptation of custom specific monitor programs.
- and support following third-party tools
- Real-time operating systems ( CMX, Nucleus, µC/OS-II, PXROS, Keil RTX )
- C/C++ compiler support ( Tasking, Keil, GNU, Wind River)
- Test- and CASE-support ( EASYCode, X-TOOLS, Tessy ).
The flexible high-speed Universal Access Device 2+ features the target access via JTAG-, ASC-, SSC-, CAN and 3Pin- interface. The fast adaptation to customer target systems is supported. Code trace functionality based on MCDS, OCDS L2 and ETM is available up to 180MHz target frequency.
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