Airborne dust and aerosol may cause unhealthy conditions in the human organismn in dependency on the concentration and chemical composition. Some of them only cause red eyes and tiredness – others may cause cancer or contamination when inhaling them.
To detect wether people are working in an environment with potential dangerous aerosol or ultrafine particles Driesen + Kern GmbH is offering an aerosol monitor.
The DustTrak 8520 is a portable battery powered laser-photometer, which measures and displays the values in real-time and stores the values in the integrated datalogger with a free selectable intervall. An analogue output additionally allows the control of ventilators, alarm siren, etc.
It is suitable for rough industrial conditions, for offices and outdoor working places. Typical it fits for working places for sand-blast, road works, paint spray chambers, grind and sandcutting, test of diesel motors, refuse disposal sites, dirt in the street a.s.o.
The stored datas can be transmitted to a computer via RS232-interface and there be analyzed with the attached Software TrakPro.
Furthermore the datas can be exported to Excel or other programms to use more features.
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