Polymer Laboratories' latest technical bulletin highlights how the PL-ELS 2100 Evaporative Light Scattering Detector can be used to determine the composition of vegetable oil-based biodiesels which is of paramount importance within the petroleum industry. The chemical composition of the starting material determines the quality and properties of resulting biodiesel. Evaporative light scattering detection (ELSD) provides a benefi cial alternative for the analysis of biodiesels, because it is capable of detecting any compound that is less volatile than the mobile phase, and is not dependent on the optical properties of the analyte. ELSD also removes the need to derivatize fatty acids and lipids, thus increasing sample throughput. Unlike UV and R detection, ELSD is fully gradient compatible, displaying excellent baseline stability. This is a key advantage when analysing such complex samples as biodiesel, because gradient elution is necessary to achieve the desired separation and resolution.
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