The LD PDS is a new, non-contact building security laser measurement system for horizontal and vertical 360° all-round monitoring. Its particularly fine resolution, and special capability of detecting even dark colours at relatively large distances, allows persons to be reliably and rapidly detected. Thanks to an application-specific programmable digital signal processor, the Protection and Detection System (PDS) can be adapted to a wide variety of conditions and is thus ideal for security functions in building management. Famous personalities are already protected by the LD PDS, including paintings at the Louvre in Paris.
Laser measurement technology has proved an economical technical alternative in monitoring buildings, as well as a sensible supplement to CCTV. Independent of the lighting conditions in an area, and effectively protected against strong light impingement or deliberate dazzling, the LD PDS laser measurement system offers maximum detection reliability. The active scanner of the measurement system transmits an invisible fan-shaped light pulse and measures the time until reception of its reflection. Regardless of the size and geometry of a space or building, the LD PDS can be adapted to every situation. The time-of-flight of the transmitted light pulse changes as soon as someone reaches into or enters the protective field and triggers an alarm signal. As the system not only detects persons as such, but can also determine their position in an area, observation cameras can also be extremely accurately aimed and focused on the basis of the information supplied by the LD PDS. Any persons with dishonest or vandalistic intentions can thus be detected before the act, and the guards alerted in good time.
LD PDS ensures all-round security
The LD family of laser measurement systems for building management the LD PeCo people counting system as well as the LD PDS offers state-of-the-art technology for all needs. 360° all-round monitoring can be achieved thanks to powerful laser optics. Long ranges even objects with just 10% reflectivity are reliably detected at up to 30 m combined with precise measurement technology (angular resolutions of 0.125° are possible) ensure that the system misses nothing. In addition to a first digital signal processor (DSP) for controlling the measurement system, every LD PDS has a second DSP that carries out a programmable application-specific conversion of the measurement values obtained, and transmits them via Canbus, RS-232, RS-422 or four digital switching outputs. So security technicians, system integrators or users of the measurement system can adapt its active area appropriately. If this changes, e.g. as a result of putting up new walls or buildings, or exchanging objects of differing sizes, this is also easily taken into account in the device via software. Thus the laser measurement systems allow continued flexible use of spaces or wall areas.
Light veil protects Louvre works, among others
Invisible and discrete, about 30 LD PDS units are on guard at the Louvre, one of Europe's oldest and most respected museums. As a result of their housing design the devices can be integrated in the walls of the Salles de Peintures in such a way that only the small, external rotating laser optics are visible. This type of installation, which also protects against sabotage and interference, is ideally suited to the open art-oriented character of the exhibition rooms. The "light veil" generated by the device does not impair the view of the Mona Lisa or other exhibits. As the LD PDS operates in a low laser protection class it cannot cause any damage to the works, including those by Raphael and Rembrandt, Tizian and Dürer, Leonardo da Vinci and other great masters.
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