But MICROSYS doesn't stop here, because machined or injection moulded micro-parts have to be tested and assembled as well, which is why the nomenclature of the innovative convention trade fair for microsystems technology and ultra-precision manufacturing also explicitly incorporates micro-assembly. Thus MICROSYS has had a unique status right from beginning as a convention trade fair which is aligned consistently to the process sequence for microsystems technology. The character of a convention trade fair is entirely suitable for the topic of innovation promoting microsystems technology, because universities and institutes must first complete a great deal of theoretical, as well as lots of practical groundwork, in order to anchor this promising subject matter in the minds of the manufacturing and the consuming industries in a timely fashion.
In the opinion of trade fair promoter Paul E. Schall, this is the only way to "create" markets, and you have to be willing to accept a certain amount of risk in order to develop a promising topic into a success story. MICROSYS project manager Susanne Fuchs has a similar outlook, and has been able to announce strong interest in participation at the 2nd MICROSYS at the Sinsheim Exhibition Centre. At the moment – 5 months before the trade fair opens which will take place from the 26th through the 29th of April, 2005 – registration figures are demonstrating significant growth in comparison with the previous year.
Accordingly, floor space assignment has already begun for pavilion 5, in which the exhibitor forum will also be held – a highly successful feature of all Schall trade fairs. Beyond this, the NC Gesellschaft e.V. from Ulm, Germany (NC society) will organise a convention regarding the use of machine tools for ultra-precision manufacturing as part of the forum. Additional events which address the subject matter of microsystems technology will also take place in the convention centre.
The fact that the time is right for a convention trade fair like MICROSYS is made plainly apparent by ever greater interlinking of individual disciplines such as engineering, parts manufacturing, assembly and test technology, especially in the field of microsystems technology. For example, micro-gearboxes are already being produced with the help of 2-component injection moulding technology, by means of which 2 or more individually, simultaneously moulded plastic parts are more or less assembled automatically inside a special mould. Injection moulds of this type are accordingly complex, consisting of a variety of high precision mould components which must be assembled into a tooling system. The assembly operation previously required for installing the gear wheels is eliminated, and a ready-to-install micro gearbox which is produced by means of 2-component technology is discharged from the machine. This example alone is a good indication of the potential harboured by microsystems technology, making comprehensive information regarding this subject matter absolutely essential. The 2nd MICROSYS will offer the means for gathering this information, providing industry with the opportunity of duly participating in an emerging success story.
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