The Herbold HOG Shredder is a single-rotor size-reduction machine. It is two in one: a granulator (the advantages of which are size-reduction by cutting with knives, suitable for relatively small size holes), and a shredder ( the advantages of which are insensitivity to foreign bodies, cuts with a large cutting angle, low speed operation). HOG-Shredders of the HGM series have been constructed for the reduction of difficult, especially tough material or material containing tramp material. To make use of the friction during the size-reduction process for washing purposes, the shredders of this series may also be used for wet operation.
Application examples:- pre-sizereduced tires
- bottles from household waste
- metal-reinforced rubber or plastic parts
- shredded waste from car recycling
As far as the construction is concerned the HOG-shredder is heavier than conventional granulators and shredders. Its heavy, oversized rotor is equipped with knives in a helical pattern (see photo 2); The inside of the machine is supplied with bolted wear-plates.
The centrally divided housing which is hydraulically operated simplifies the access to the cutting chamber for cleaning and maintenance.
The rotor knives are made of tool steel: knife holders with interchangeable inserts may be mounted in the knife insertion pouches on the rotor. Depending on the use of the machine the knives can repeatedly be resharpened (with normal material) or - after turning them once - have to be replaced (with very fine material). The stator knives are mounted in adjustable knife holders: These knife holders are equipped with the knives and adjusted in an adjustment jig outside the machine.
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