EDDL (Electronic Device Description Language) has been standardised as CENELEC/IEC 61804 since 2002.
EDDL is a text file, independent of the operating system. Today more than 1000 different types of field devices, sensors and actuators from over 100 different manufacturers are described with EDDL.
Even the first EDDs from the beginning of the nineties can still be processed unchanged. EDDL is fully developed and has a guaranteed future.
FDT/DTM. The FDT specification (FDT - Field Device Tool) defines the interfaces between device-specific components and the engineering tools. Device-specific components are known as Device Type Manager (DTM), and this is supplied by the manufacturer of the field devices. The DTM is the configuration and management tool of a device. It knows all the rules, contains the graphical user dialogue, takes over diagnosis and device-specific documentation.
The FDT concept creates the possibility of integrating field devices from different manufacturers in the automation system. With a DTM (nested communication) it is now possible to completely integrate the new HART-usable compact I/O module of BARTEC. Additional communication routes and data bases are then no longer necessary.
BARTEC-solutions. With two new devices BARTEC has now created the possibility of extending automation systems with compact I/O.
Apart from the PROFIBUS interface, integrated HART communication according to HART on PROFIBUS and electrical isolation, the MODEX module 8 analogue in HART and 4 analogue in /4 analogue out HART contain absolutely everything necessary for automation of intrinsically safe electric circuits in potentially explosive areas. The devices, of size 100 mm x 170 mm, are installed directly in zone 1, and can be integrated in the plant via the GSD file, EDD or FDT/DTM, depending on the application.
As with all other bus modules from BARTEC, these modules have already been certified according to ATEX.
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