Oxford Gene Technology has launched the latest versions of its Cytosure family of high-resolution oligonucleotide arrays, offering even more coverage than before for cytogenetic syndromes and accurate whole genome aberration detection. The Syndrome Plus V2 and Chromosome X High Density arrays have been developed in close collaboration with leading cytogeneticists. It covers over 200 known cytogenetic syndrome regions, including 410 genes associated with autism, mental retardation, heart and eye diseases, with one probe every 3 kb. The array also offers extensive coverage of the whole genome, including subtelomeric regions and recombinant hotspots, with one probe every 40 KB. The system has a probe density of one probe every 2 KB to target genes on the X chromosome, including exons, miRNAs, rRNAs and snRNAs. Both arrays are available in 2x105k format.