Using a hand-held Leica T-Scan, the Italian artist Roberto Cuoghi digitized a small statue of King Pazuzu, the ruler of demons and winds in Assyrian and Babylonian mythology. The figurine has a human body and a canine or feline head. Its claws belong to an eagle. The extremely accurate data gathered during the scan were used by Cuoghi to produce a nearly 5.8 m tall statue based on the 15 cm tall original statue of the demon. Thanks to accuracies of 30 ?m, even the most delicate relief features could be captured true to life. The artist views the accuracy of the measurements as part of his creativity. The mobile high-speed device lets the user capture the finest details in very large measurement volumes. 10,000 points are scanned each second, facilitating highly accurate and dependable measurements of demanding shapes and objects with a direct comparison to the CAD values.