The Phenom is a new tabletop scanning electron microscope (SEM) which combines the high magnification of electron microscopy with the ease of use of optical microscopy to improve performance in a benchtop instrument.The Phenom, a tabletop or benchtop SEM provides useful magnifications up to 20,000 x and is easy to use as the typical laboratory-grade optical microscopes. Operating an optical microscope requires little more than placing the sample on the stage and focusing the image and is usually accomplished in a matter of seconds. In conventional SEMs, the time required to get an image can easily become many minutes to hours. The Phenom cuts away the time, difficulty, and expense of the conventional SEM. The operator simply places the sample in the specially designed holder on the microscope. The automatically focused image is displayed in less than 30 seconds later, with the resolution and depth of focus typical belonging to SEMs. Some of the key features of the Phenom are;
- Imaging power: Up to 20,000 x magnification with superior depth of focus and superb picture quality
- Ease of use: Intuitive control system and interactive touch screen reduces operator training and increases the number of users
- Fastest Time to Image: Through patented vacuum technology and never lost navigation
- Low cost of ownership: Easy to install and maintain and no special operator training needed.
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