The IT3800g exploits the latest generation of linear imager technology. It features con-siderably longer reading distances, greater depth of focus and a more intensive scan-ning line with better visibility on the barcode. Resolution has been improved to 0.075 mm; evaluation of the reading information now takes place four times quicker than in the predecessor model. These features profit from handling that is as simple and user-friendly as possible. Reliable aiming on the object, a high tolerance of movement, and immediate information on positive reading results permit particularly easy work with the device. The housing is more ergonomically shaped and lighter. A variety of inter-faces, including for common electronic till systems, permits smooth connection of the hand-held scanner. In practical use, the robustness of the IT3800g is convincing: the device is still fully functional even after being dropped 50 times from a height of 1.5 m in trials – and the five-year guarantee offers the ultimate long-term investment protection.
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