BS-Partikel offers the tailor-made series LS of certified micrometer particle size standards (180 µm) to immediately calibrate particle counters without coincidence errors easily. To check the count performance of a particle counting instrument several particle count standard kits (5, 10, 25, 40, 70 µm) with blank samples and certificates are available. Using the accompanying magnetic stir bar the count check can be performed without any preparation immediately (50 ml with 2,000, 5,000 or 10,000 particles/ml). For pharmaceutical companies the PharmaCount1510 kit is purpose-built to accomplish the USP test Particulate Matter of Injections, Section Light Obscuration Particle Count Test between the official calibration dates. It comes along with a comprehensive certificate on which the measured counts can be recorded and it additionally costs only approximately 20% of the official USP count standard.
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