The Fonar Upright MRI uses traditional MRI technology combined with a system design that allows for the efficient evaluation of regions of the body under the influence of gravity and in the positions that yield pain and dysfunction. Instead of lying down in an enclosed tube, the Fonar Upright MRI allows patients to simply walk in, sit down or stand up to be scanned.While recumbent MRIs are a proven tool to reveal musculoskeletal disease, traditional scanners are limited by the non-weight bearing position, which often does not expose the pathology that causes the patients problems with pain. The Fonar Upright MRI allows radiologists to see the consequences of the real situation on patients. The option of scanning patients in flexion, extension, rotation and lateral bending allows the imaging of patients in the exact position which elicits the symptoms. Also the maximum degree of pathology and its dynamic nature is exactly visible in an upright scan position.Seeing the full scope of the patient pathology enables the attending physician with his therapeutic procedure to address the additional dimensions of the disease made visible by upright imaging. This unique capability of the Fonar Upright MRI enhances the therapeutic prospect and a better patient outcome.Therefore the system is equipped with a unique MRI-compatible motorized patient handling system that will move the patient into the magnet and place the anatomy of interest into the center of the magnet gap. It also can rotate the vertically-oriented patient into a horizontal position so the patient can be scanned lying down as in conventional MRI scanning for comparison.The Fonar Upright MRI allows all parts of the body, not only the spine and joints to be imaged in the weight bearing state, but also cardiovascular examinations are possible and patients with cerebrovascular insufficiency can be scanned in the upright position with the influence of gravity.The Fonar Upright MRI is the ultimate in patient comfort. There is nothing in front of the patients face or directly overhead to create a closed-in feeling. Even by using Head-Coils for brain scanning, the patient has an unobscured view out of the magnet. That means no more concerns about claustrophobic patients. Also extremely large patients are able to be accommodated by the Fonar Upright MRI. The patient handling system is rated for up to 250 kg. Another interesting application is the imaging of babies and small children sitting on the mothers lap, without anaesthesia.
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