
Rofan BB4 – the long distance-expert

The Rofan BatteryBooster is an electric transport vehicle with nearly unlimited range. This drive system particularly comes into its own where long distances have to be covered also in indoor use (low speeds, low power consumption).

An additional powerful diesel generator provides the power for long-distance outdoor driving and at the same time charges the on-board battery. This saves having to buy a reserve battery and prevents expensive down times since the batteries don’t have to be changed or recharged.

The BatteryBooster concept overcomes the capacity problems of conventional electric vehicles and opens up new areas of application. Equipped with a 19kW drive motor and a drawbar pull of approx. 20kN, this drive concept is only outperformed by the performance of a genuine hybrid drive system, as exclusively featured on Rofan vehicles.

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70839 Gerlingen

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