WGE has announced a new Membrane Osmometry Detector for Molecular Weight determination applications, capable to operate in a continuous flow environment and to be integrated in a GPC System. A new developed osmometric cell allows combining osmometry to modern separation methods, opening therefore new possibility for this well-known technique. As a matter of fact, Osmometry is currently the only method which delivers absolute molecular weight of polymers and co-polymers independently of their composition or structure and, most important of all, with no need of further external, sample-specific, parameters or calibration whatsoever. This new approach also avoids tedious and time-consuming measurements of different concentrations of the same sample to calculate Mn thus reducing total time and sample amount required for a determination. The instrument delivers accurate and absolute Mn values of compounds in the molecular range from 5000 g/mol to 500,000 g/mol in both aqueous and organic solvents. Its ability to deliver accurate and fast molecular weights from a single measurement, the Mn-2010 Membrane Osmometer represents a breakthrough in polymer characterization, opening new possibilities for absolute characterization of homo- and co-polymers.
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