Pneumatic systems are sturdy, easy to handle and reliable perhaps this is why compressed air quality is hardly ever paid any attention. Wrongly so, since apart from the right pressure level and a sufficient quantity of air, it also depends on the quality of the compressed air used, whether or not a system functions trouble-free. If the requirements and the actual compressed air quality do not correspond, this often results in problems which can prove costly for the user.
Faults and their consequences
Malfunction is virtually pre-programmed if compressed air production, preparation and distribution are neglected. The lack of or unsuitable filters, under-sized, faulty or poorly maintained oil separators are the cause of contamination in compressed air. Rust and other particles can enter into the mechanism of pneumatic components and cause premature wear and malfunction. Operative malfunction and excessive wear are also a typical consequence if compressed air contains excessive residual humidity or compressor oil. Both of these mix with the lubricants of pneumatic components thereby reducing their lubricity and in a worst case scenario leading to a complete purging of basic lubrication. Moreover, compressor oils attack sealing elements, which causes unnecessary compressed air leakage or jamming of valves and drives. In other words, contamination in compressed air represents a considerable malfunction factor when it comes to process reliability.
System failure and damage is preventable, although many users neither possess the necessary know-how nor the technical equipment to determine the quality of their compressed air and to decide whether or not it is adequate for a particular application. This is where compressed air quality analysis from Festo comes into its own in that it professionally supports customers through optimal preparation and monitoring of their compressed air.
Prevention is better than maintenance
As part of the new service package, Festo experts identify any weak points regarding compressed air quality and prepare proposals for a solution even before any damage can occur. In doing so, they not only determine the compressed air quality at the actual point of delivery and closely examine the decentralised air service units, but also inspect and analyse filters and dryers. Also included in the scope of services is the measurement of the residual oil content and pressure dew point (both to DIN ISO 8573, Class 2). Compressed air quality analysis is for instance useful prior to the installation and commissioning of a new machine into an existing compressed air network or at regular intervals as part of a service contract.
Finally, if the aim is to reliably maintain the recommended compressed air quality, Festo is also ready with the right solution when it comes to compressed air preparation. With the MS series service units, up to 14 function modules, available in three sizes, can be combined depending on requirement to form space saving, high flow units. Free of charge selection software assists with the individual configuration to ensure optimal compressed air quality right from the start.
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