The requirements for security and aesthetics in companies and public institutions are continuously growing. To keep up with these demands Kaba Gallenschütz developed a new product family, to be launched at the Security exhibition in Essen this year: the HSB-Half height Sensor Barrier, designed to control the access of staff and visitors in office and administration buildings, airports and public authorities. These units combine a high throughput rate, comfort and different levels of security to prevent unauthorised access pedestrian safety has been taken into account.
The unit is a sensor controlled passageway with automatic half-height swing doors. After a release the doors open immediately in the direction wished, enabling a comfortable passage even with bulky bags or luggage. The doors close again after the passage. The sensor barriers are available in 3 different lengths the sensor system used in every case determines the level of singling out and thus of security.
The two finish lines available functional stainless steel or stylish glass have the same function, yet they enable a variety of design choices. The
stainless steel line offers the possibility to personalise the barrier element, for instance with the companys logo or any other figure wished. As for the
glass line, doors in a variety of shapes and heights are available. The additional version with 90 cm passage width provides in both cases a solution for access with wheel chairs.
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