You want to print cards with constant layout in short run, or, however in large quantities with changing layouts in nearly offset printing quality? Borderless?
Maxicard has the optimum printing system with the new IDP 680i Plus.
By means of the re transfer card printing procedure the card printing procedure is independent of the state of the card surface and permits also the printing of transponder cards with an electronic chip.
The new IDP series was improved as follows:
The interface which substitutes the previous SCSI interface is now a quick native USB 2.0 that provides an even easier connection with the PC systems. Also the printing speed profits from this interface and raises the card output once again.
Technical improvements of the mechanics and electronics make the new series even more reliable. The RFID-based colour ribbon system improves the ribbon handling of the printer eases the correct settings in the printer driver.
The laminator module LM may be connected to the card printer to laminate the printed cards. For the lamination different lamination-foils and patch-laminates are available.