
New Anti-Terrorism Partnership

London detection specialists Scanna MSC Ltd are delighted to announce a worldwide marketing partnership with WTI, one of the world leaders in CCTV Digital Recording and smart software systems. By overlaying the Scanna Anti Terrorism Detection System (ATDS) on your existing CCTV, the system changes from a reactive or forensic tool to have an advanced automatic anti terrorism detection capability by utilising neuro type algorithms - time against data configurations. Using operator selectable time and size parameters and 16 zone masks per camera, the ATDS will detect unattended/abandoned items, objects removed from an area, as well as providing parking and vehicle monitoring and museum and gallery protection. There is now no need to constantly scan rows of monitors as the operator will be alerted by an alarm, audible and script on 1 or more dedicated monitors.

All cameras on the ATDS are connected to this monitor and are recorded digitally. There are 24 pre-set alert tones but there is a built in facility to be able to record your own message. The system is highly discriminatory and can be calibrated to ignore background interference, light variations, weather conditions, movement and animals. Therefore, if a bag is left in a public area, say an airport, with a time scale of 5 minutes, then however much movement is noted in front of that bag, as long as it is within view of the ATDS, the unit will sound an alert after that 5 minutes. As long as the camera has a view of the bag, the bag will be detected in this application. The system is successfully operating in commercial applications in The USA, Middle East and Europe! The Scanna-Msc Anti Terrorism Detection System is a 'Total CCTV Security System' that reduces operator costs, increases detection capabilities without increasing manpower, and gives the ability to identify, quickly and easily, potential terrorist activity!
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Scanna MSC Ltd.

104 New Bond Street
W1S 1SU London

Phone: +44/(0)20/735 535 55
Fax: +44/(0)171/35 53 556