04/16/2013 • Automation • Drive Tech • Process automation / MSR technology

Bidirectional generation of inductive couplers

Contactless data transfer and energy transfer / first inductive coupler with full IO-Link support

The new bidirectional generation of inductive couplers which Balluff is introducing at the Hannover Messe opens completely new possibilities to the IO-Link user. This is the first system worldwide with full IO-Link functionality without any restrictions.

The bidirectional inductive coupler in robust 40x40 housing is ideal for use anywhere fixed wiring of sensors and actuators cause a disturbance or is subject to premature wear due to fatigue, e.g., on rotary tables, interchangeable tools, etc. It transfers energy and IO-Link signals completely contact-free over an air gap of up to 55 mm reliably, quickly and in a performance-optimized manner.

As is typical for IO-Link, the new inductive coupler can be used to bundle sensor and actuator signals directly at the process site by means of a three-wire cable without complicated wiring. The signals can be transferred completely transparently via the contactless connection of the coupler systems. In combination with a corresponding IO-Link master, the inductive coupler system can be connected to nearly any common fieldbus. The configuration of intelligent sensors or performing of diagnostic operations by means of IO-Link also functions in the accustomed manner.

The couplers are installed, mounted and even replaced per Plug and Play, and a convenient M12 plug connection on the base and remote unit are child's play.

The Ballluff engineers succeeded in implementing a very special technical feature with the AUX power, which can be switched on and off. This allows the users to switch actuators – such as a valve terminal – that are connected via a sensor/actuator hub on and off independent of the installed sensors without needing to interrupt the IO-Link connection.

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