04/17/2012 • Focus on Products at Analytica • Laboratory appliances

Chemical-Resistant MFA Tubing by Reichelt

MFA Tubing from Thomafluid is used for analytical applications in biochemistry and biotechnology as well as in cleanrooms of semiconductor manufacturers. The highly chemical-resistant tubing exhibits excellent thermal and mechanical properties. The newly developed fluorine-containing MFA plastic tubing shows high transparency and can be used as standpipe in any technological process up to a maximum opperating temperature of 240 °C. On both, inside and outside the tubing offers a smooth, almost gas-tight surface with very low moisture absorption.

Category D: Furniture & Accessories

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Reichelt Chemietechnik GmbH + Co.

Englerstraße 18
69126 Heidelberg

Phone: +49 (0) 6221/ 3125- 0
Fax: +49 (0) 6221/ 3125- 10