07/28/2011 • IT Security / Cyber Security • Machine safety, industrial safety

New MultiSensor by Kentix of increased physical security in cloud computing

The Kentix GmbH extended their Kentix MultiSensor system, an innovative monitoring solution for server and equipment rooms by a new product for data centers. The new Kentix MultiSensor-LAN combines all the important physical sensors in one unit and monitors all the critical environmental parameters in data centers and server racks. The safety-related data ranging from temperature above the dew point with humidity, carbon monoxide for fire detection, motion detection up to the supply voltage. The compact Kentix MultiSensor-LAN combines MultiSensor unit and Web servers in a enclosure that is 9 x 9 x 4.5 cm long and thanks to its Power over Ethernet power supply quickly and easily can be installed in server racks.

Due to the embedded Web server can be the Kentix MultiSensor-LAN also particularly easy to configure and data can be analyzed at any time over the network. During accidents, the system notifies in real time, either by e-mail or by communicating with V2/3 avaiable SNMP network management systems. For integration into network monitoring systems is a Management Information Base (MIB) is available. The Kentix MultiSensor-LAN is characterized by an extremely favorable price-performance ratio and is like all products and solutions from Kentix available in computer
retailers and also online at www.kentix.de.

Companies using the Kentix MultiSensor-LAN in your server rack, increase their data security significantly and achieve a significantly improved IT baseline protection.

Optionally, the power costs per rack will be captured and settled through the smart meter function of the Kentix MultiSensor-LAN - Kentix offers to a calibrated measurement solution for data center operators. In addition, the MultiSensor inputs and outputs for connection of other external systems such as air conditioning, door control or UPS. The innovative monitoring solution Kentix companies secure their IT at low cost against the major risks of accidents in the operating environment of theft and sabotage, to human error. Yet, enterprises ensure data security and system availability, reduce operating costs and simultaneously reduce their personnel costs.

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