UV micro spectrometer C16767MA
Hamamatsu Photonics has launched a Hybrid Photo Detector which allowes to reach exceptional specifications regarding of their original structure. The Hybrid Photo Detector offers a fast time response, excellent timing resolution and a capability of photon counting. The afterpulses are practically zero. The R10467U series covers a spectral range from 220 nm to 720 nm.
The Hybrid Photo Detector uses the "electron bombardment" method in which photoelectrons are accelerated in a strong electric field to directly strike an avalanche photodiode (APD) in vacuum tube. The Quantum efficiency of up to 45 % is available with GaAsP photocathode and time resolution is very close to 100 ps FWHM.
Typical applications for the Hybrid Photo Detector are high energy physics, biomedical, LIDAR (Light detection and Ranging) and TCSPC (Time-Correlated Singel Photon Counting).