03/18/2009 • Installation

Inrush Current Suppressor – Type GEFI-RRT

This device is preferable used for applications with transformers or electronic equipment, e.g. Monitors, Computers.


During the startup of electronic loads (e.g. Monitors, Computers), a high inrush current occurs that is many times higher (up to 15 times as high) than the normal current , which can therefore cause fuses to be blown.

The GEFI-Inrush Current Suppressor Type RRT will prevent this malfunction and extend the life of the device.

When the plugged-in load in the RRT receptacle is switched ON or after power interruption, a built-in resistor will suppress the high inrush current. After a short time delay (approx 0.5s), the contact of a relay in the RRT overrides this resistor and a signal light indicates this status.

A preventive safety measure in the RRT is an integrated thermal fuse which will protect the load from the supply voltage if the resistor becomes overheated due to a defective relay or a defect in the RRT electronic circuitry.

Technical specifications:

  • Max load current: 10A/AC
  • 230 V/AC supply voltage (+/- 10%)
  • Time between OFF and ON switching : approx 7s (cooling time for resistor)
  • Measurements of the plastic housing: 160x80x60 mm (L x W x H)
  • Signal light
  • Built-in thermal fuse

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