Tecan has upgraded its CrysScreen™ software package with several significant improvements to guide crystallographers through the complexities of automated protein crystallography trials.
The new CrysScreen version 2.0 runs under Tecan’s Freedom EVOware® Standard software, ensuring simple and efficient process control of automated hanging drop, sitting drop and microbatch protein crystallography experiments using the Freedom EVO® liquid handling workstations. It contains a number of user-friendly improvements, including a data export function. The CrysScreen package provides easy management of protein crystallography trials, including screening definitions, custom buffer creation, design of experimental conditions, execution of experiments, data management, analysis of results and the definition of follow-up experiments. An intuitive user interface completes an ideal package for the easy management of protein crystallography.
Disclaimer: not for use in clinical diagnostic procedures.
For additional information contact Tecan Deutschland GmbH, Theodor-Storm-Straße 17, 74564 Crailsheim, Deutschland. Tel: +49 7951 94170, Fax: +49 7951 5038; e-mail: info.de@tecan.com or www.tecan.com.
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