Dassel, April 2, 2007 – Scientists in the lab can now trial the latest Whatman products for HPLC sample preparation for free. This initiative is part of the new Whatman “Test-The-Best” campaign.
The SPARTAN® syringe filter is a universal device for the filtration of aqueous and organic solutions in HPLC analysis. One filter type is compatible with all sample types.
The syringeless Mini-UniPrepTM filter system removes particles from HPLC samples three times faster than conventional filters. The product is ideally suited for automated lab analysis and can save up to 40% in costs.
Puradisc™ FP 30 filter units are custom designed for protein analysis. The 30 mm filters exhibit low protein binding and permit the fast and efficient filtration of aqueous HPLC samples.
The GD/X® syringe filter is ideal for use with difficult and hard to filter samples. Four filtration layers delay membrane clogging, which allows three to seven times more sample volume to be processed compared to conventional filters.
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