four-wire system control unit SG-EFS 104/4L complements the already extensive range of multifunctional control units and tactile sensors for industrial safety applications Mayser offers. The control unit is suitable for 24 V AC/DC and is tailored for narrow spaces, having an enclosure of only 22.5 mm for standard rails. It is suitable for connecting a four-wire tactile sensor, e.g. a safety mat, and offers three volt-free safety outputs. As is the case for all safety components manufactured by Mayser, the SG-EFS 104/4L has been tested according to EN 954, and fulfils category 3.
The control unit meets the requirements of SIL2 according to IEC 61508 and works in conjunction with the Mayser safety mat, the first safety mat to also meet the requirements of SIL2.
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