07/12/2006 • Image processing / Optical metrology • IT Security / Cyber Security

Machine Vision Software

With the maintenance release 7.1.1 of the software library Halcon, its IDE (Integrated Development Environment) HDevelop now protects external procedures via password. With this new feature, MVTec Software is the first manufacturer of standard software for machine vision to bring a special protection for programmers‘ know-how to the market. So far, the development environment HDevelop already enabled its users to write and integrate external procedures. With the new release 7.1.1, all procedures can be additionally protected by a password to control the readability of the procedure after it is loaded into HDevelop. Moreover, unauthorised users will not be able to obtain information about the procedures‘ algorithms by examining the files on hard disk. Thus, from now on the programmers‘ code and know-how can be safeguarded.
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