Babylon 4xBRI protects the confidentiality on communication over ISDN through strong encryption. It is simply plugged in between telephone line and telephone-, videoconferencing system, fax or computer. Due to flexible use of multiple ISDN B-channels, Babylon 4xBRI is the ideal solution for all applications requiring more secure communication channels, such as videoconferences, data transmissions or phone systems for small offices. Babylon 4xBRI can encrypt up to 8 ISDN B-channels with a maximum bandwidth of 512 kbps.
For the protection of these datas in bigger offices Safe-com offers the Babylon PRI wich encrypts till 30 ISDN-B-Channels with a bandwidth of maximum 2 Mbps at the same time. Safe-com Babylon works fully transparentely, there is no need to reconfigure connected ISDN devices or applications. Users simply dial a phone number or start a videoconference. Safe-com Babylon automatically activates the encryption process whenever a protected transmission is needed.
Recognized standards for product safety, international ISDN compatibility, key exchange and -encryption algorithms are the firm basis for Babylon security. Safe-com Babylon is the first ISDN encryptor featuring the advanced Encryption Standard AES with up to 256 Bit key length. It can be set alternatively to Triple-Data Encryption Standard (Triple-DES) with a key lengths of up to 192 Bit. Secure key exchange with Diffie- Hellman, Master DES Internal (MDI conform to ISO/IEC 11770-2) and authentication of keys and remote devices (ISO/IEC 9798-2) are implemented according to recognized standards.
Safe-com SecurityManager enables configuration and management of all Babylon devices from a central location according to the organisation's specific needs. The graphical user interface is easy to use and provides full overview even for large installations. The Safe-com SecurityManager administers entire installations and
offers a comprehensive range of functions for a secure and costeffective device operation. The Safe-com SecurityManager can easily be integrated with existing monitoring systems such as SNMP and Syslog.