Modern communications technologies use a wide variety of digital modulation methods. To achieve higher data rates, new modulation methods are continuously being developed. As a result, a flexible modulation source that generates these complex signals is required for tests in R&D and production. Owing to its variable memory clock rate of 1 kHz to 300 MHz and large memory depth of up to 1 Gsample, the R&S AFQ100A is ideally suited for these applications. It allows I/Q signals with an RF bandwidth of up to 200 MHz to be generated, thus also supporting the requirements of future broadband communications systems.
The R&S AFQ100A comes with an unbalanced analog output that has a level that can be set between 0 V to 1.5 V and a balanced output that has a level varying between 0 V and 3 V. A bias voltage of -2.5 V to +2.5 V may additionally be superimposed on the signal at the balanced output. Plus, the R&S AFQ100A can be equipped with digital outputs which offer 16 bit resolution and support a maximum data rate of up to 300 MHz.
The R&S AFQ100A achieves outstanding signal quality at an S/N ratio of typ. 83 dBc and a frequency response of typ. 0.05 dB across the entire bandwidth. The generator also features various trigger functions; plus the output signal can be adjusted in various ways to compensate for impairments, for example. If necessary, the internal equalizer changes the output signal in realtime, compensating for external frequency responses of I/Q modulators, for example.
As an independent baseband source, the R&S AFQ100A provides the DUT with I/Q signals directly via an analog or digital output. In conjunction with a vector signal generator, the R&S AFQ100A also generates the appropriate RF signals. The signal data can be output from the memory at a user-adjustable clock rate. Users can select a very small clock rate to achieve maximum signal duration. Since there is no link to a specific part of the memory, the signal sequence length can be user-defined. The Multi Segment Waveform function allows fast switchover between the different signal sequences stored in the memory. This feature is of special interest when testing a DUT with different signals. In addition, the Multi Segment Waveform function allows applications with baseband hopping to be performed. The deep memory also generates very long sequences for measuring the bit error ratio.
The signals are generated on a PC using the R&S WinIQSIM2 software supplied with the R&S AFQ100A, or directly via the conventional MATLAB® PC software. R&S WinIQSIM2 provides ready-made packages for a large number of communications standards. The R&S AFQ100A can be controlled via GPIB, USB and LAN (Gigabit Ethernet) or operated as a standalone instrument by using the integrated video, mouse and keyboard interface.
The R&S AFQ100A I/Q modulation generator is now available from Rohde & Schwarz.
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