09/21/2005 • Laboratory diagnostics

GENIKON - An integrated solution for cytogenetic analysis


With a capacity for manual and automatic karyotyping (R, Q, and G bands), Genikon makes sense of the tangle of chromosomes from a metaphase spread. The karyotyping software module separates single or multiple overlapping chromosomes, aligns centromeres, and rotates chromosomes for easy quantification and ideogram comparison. Chromosome edges can be sharpened using an eraser tool and chromosomes may be zoomed up to 2X magnification. Contrast can be modified after acquisition using special filters, and annotations (text or arrows) can be added at any stage.

FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridisation)

The Genikon FISH module enables both manual and automatic changing of filters and filter cubes. The system memorises the offset, integration time and assigned colour for every fluorochrome/filter combination, as well as automatically correcting pixel shifts allowing the user to create a personalised fluorochrome/filter list for consistent image acquisition. Genikon also combines fluorescent and brightfield images.

M-FISH (multicolour fluorescence in situ hybridisation)

High definition colour analysis helps researchers identify complex chromosomal rearrangements. Pseudo colour allows easily distinguishable colours to be assigned to each probe. Inter-chromosomal rearrangements are easily identified as colour changes within an affected chromosome.

CGH (comparative genomic hybridisation)

Genikon's high-resolution analysis allows researchers to screen tumour cells for characteristic DNA gains and losses that include mutations at chromosomal and subchromosomal levels.

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