Cilas has launched a new technology for particle size measurement in dry mode. The Dry Jet Dispersion (DJD) Technology uses many innovative solutions to analyse sticky powders. This unique design allows the operation of the particle size analyser at low air pressure to avoid particle destruction. Thanks to the control of several parameters, this system can be used to analyse any kind of powder, even in the submicron range with a superior reproducibility (better than 0.5%). Furthermore, the engineers in charge of the project have developed a calibration and a validation of the instrument that is ISO 13320 Compliant. The ISO calibration takes into account the effect of the optical bench and the dispersion system. This unique feature gives to Cilas the leadership in the ISO compliant dry measurement field. Thanks to that compliance, Cilas particle size analysers ensure a traceability of measures to International Standard (NIST). The measurement is fast (5 seconds) and allows to minimise the workload and time involved.
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