06/03/2005 • Machine safety, industrial safety • Process technology / Maintenance

LifeCheck for Surge Protection

In order to have permanent security of reliable system availability regular checking of the surge arresters in circuits and bus systems is necessary. This is the only way to de-tect any faults at an early state and to avoid resulting fail-ures. Checking up to now was a rather complicated and expensive matter as the arrester modules had to be re-moved and plugged into an inspection device for this pur-pose.

DEHN + SÖHNE the lightning and surge protection special-ist now has presented LifeCheck a very easy and quick kind of arrester checking without removing the module. LifeCheck which is integrated into the arrester modules BLITZDUCTOR® CT BCT MLC with lightning current carry-ing capability does not require battery or voltage supply. The due state of a surge arrester is permanently controlled. An extreme thermal or electric stressing will be reliably de-tected and can be quickly verified in non-contact RFID technology by the hand-held reader DEHNrecord DRC LC. The signalling circuit for LifeCheck is designed in such a way that even a possible arrester overload is indicated. So preventive measures can be taken to avoid system failures.

Especially we point out that LifeCheck arrester modules can be easily refitted in existing BLITZDUCTOR® CT-installations.
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