At CETEC 2004 in Belgium DOP Solutions displayed their range of Aerosol Photometry equipment including the photometer and generator. The portfolio of DOP Solutions includes the sale of instrumentation, service and calibration of alls makes of aerosol photometers and generators, hire, training and consultancy. On show was the new longitudinal scanning probe which allows the scanning of inaccessible filters and filters which are under negative pressure. The probe, which is drawn across the filter face scanning the filter and frame, is a permanent installation within the filter housing and is installed at point of manufacture or can be retrofitted. The PFO-Photometer MK5, which measures the particle fall out on products produced in the cleanroom, is controlled by a microprocessor and provides additional features like self-test of the instrument. The top of the range model will be able to identity the sample plate by barcode, communicate with a PC to process the results and inspect and store the particles visually, for documentation.
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