
100 % Hold Baggage Screening at Austrian Airports

The project to achieve 100% Hold Baggage Screening (100% HBS) at Austrian airports is completed. The 100% HBS screening fulfils present European Union (EU) directives.

In 2001, after more than four years of planning and technical deliberation the Ministry of Interior, in cooperation with Austrian international airports, implemented a competitive tendering process to procure the automatic explosives detection systems (EDS) equipment that would ensure full screening of hold baggage. The operational goal of 100 % HBS implementation is to scan all checked baggage for explosives without interrupting the flow of baggage and the punctual service of their customers. Indeed Austrian airports are especially noted for their excellent service and almost negligible time delays for the international traveller. Any equipment selected for integration and installation into their baggage lines would have to assure reliable operation at the best available detection capabilities.

In late 2001 the Ministry of Interior, in co-operation with Vienna International Airport's security department, invited select bidders of state-of-the-art technology to participate in a two-week evaluation test of their HBS systems at Linz International Airport. Testing was carried out in February 2002. In an effort to test all machines in a real-life situation, the Ministry and airports spared no efforts to create a test pattern indistinguishable from the everyday operation of a major airport. One minor difference in the test pattern was that of the approximately 2000 bags prepared for the test, more than 200 were loaded with explosives of various types and quantities.

Of the three manufacturers that qualified for the test L-3 Communications participated with their exclusive Austrian representative, EAS Envimet Analytical Systems (EAS Envimet), formerly Ysselbach Envimet, and their proven line of automatic EDS X-ray machines. Besides their detection and false alarm capabilities, all machines were tested for user-friendliness, throughput capacity and operational reliability. L-3 Communications' VDS/VIS 108 platform tested to the complete satisfaction of both the Ministry representatives for detection of explosives and the airport operators for very low false alarms. In August 2002 the
L-3 machines were ordered for installation at all six
international airports in Austria: Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck,
Linz, Graz and Klagenfurt.

At each airport, the installation included the VIS108 with Scatter Detection Enhancement (SDE) as a Level 1 machine. SDE is a unique L-3 technology for better and more reliable detection of sheet explosives by taking into account scatter from the X-ray beam in the machines detection algorithm. In a comprehensive network, images of rejected bags (alarmed bags) are transferred to several Level 2 workstations operated by experienced and well-trained operators. Almost ninety-nine percent of all bags checked-in have been cleared at this point. The remaining approximately one percent of all bags are then directed to another L-3 automatic EDS machine at Level 3 for extended screening. At this Level 3 stage the operator may freely reverse the conveyor of the X-ray maand screen the bag in several positions, making sure that any possible threat is reviewed thoroughly and cleared or rejected at this point.

In order to assist the operators at Level 2 and Level 3 with their decisions, L-3 Communications VIS108 provides crisp, clear image quality, easy to read alarm functionality and several image inspection tools such as zooming, edge enhancement, pseudo colour display, and many more. With unsurpassed reliability and very low false alarm rates at Level 1, operators at Level 2 find enough time to review the images presented by the network. This assists the airport operators in saving on costly manpower to operate the complete 100 % HBS system.

If there may still be a bag or two a week that calls for the extra amount of scrutiny, a Level 4 passenger - bag reconciliation point is equipped with an EGIS III trace detector for explosives. This artificial sleuth detects miniscule traces of explosives with an accuracy of better 99.9 %, providing an additional level of security to the process.
All of these four security levels fit smoothly into the operating process of any international airport providing the best in technology for the best in safety for the international traveller.
Throughout the world a major cause for headaches of airport operators is the space and constructional preparations required by some automatic EDS equipment in HBS systems. With the smallest footprint in the industry and unsurpassed portability the VIS108 has put an end to these worries. Without the requirement for any constructional changes or preparations, no heavy tools and moving machines the VIS108 fits snugly into the smallest niches of any baggage handling system (BHS).

The benefit for the Austrian airports is clear: no interruptions to their operations during installation, no additional hustle for the passenger and most importantly no extra costs for construction, labour and infrastructure. EAS Envimet, in charge of installation and integration of the X-ray machines, has set new records in moving the machines into the BHS, wiring and cabling the system network and starting up the operation of the 100 % HBS X-ray equipment for full service. This feat, much to the relief of airports such as Salzburg and Innsbruck that see their busiest time from December to March during the skiing season with thousands of international visitors arriving to try out the famous skiing slopes of Austria.
Austria can now report 100 % screening of all hold baggage with automatic EDS machines by L-3 Communications. L-3's VDS/VIS 108 has been selected in a unprecedented procedure of comparison and evaluation of all available technologies for automatic explosives detection and the first months of operation of these machines have confirmed the quality of the decision.
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