The proven Press Fit Controller DIGIFORCE® 9306 has offspring. The Little-One is meant to serve mainly those application fields where so far a seamless force/displacement control was out of question for pricing reasons. Up to now those applications often run with much more simple sys-tems evaluating the press fit quality by measuring only the maximum force arising. It goes without saying that this method inevitably leads to deceptive measuring results.
Exactly this is the starting-point for the new DIGIFORCE® 9310 from burster. Striking features along with an extremely low price now enable more reliable test results also in the low budget scene. DIGIFORCE® 9310 acquires like its big brother the complete press fit curve on two measuring channels, shows it on a rich in contrast graphic display and evaluates it via the proven DIGIFORCE® window technique.
As a panel meter for the 110x110 mm panel cutout or as desk top version DIGIFORCE® 9310 fits for all manual working stations. Further it perfectly serves to equip multi-channel control applica-tions with a considerably economic solution as e.g. on the parallel press fit of valve seats in the motor production. While at a manual working station DIGIFORCE® 9310 only has to feed an OK/NOK-light the PLC environment requires further control possibilities. These are realized by an integrated I/O port or by using the optionally available Profibus.
Further bursters little press-fit controller DIGIFORCE® model 9310 it comes out with very impor-tant feature in the field of riveting and clinching control. For the evaluation of GOOD or BAD parts DIGIFORCE® now ideally uses the so-called envelope curve technique.
This procedure is especially appreciated in the range of riveting and clinching control, where high precision is not necessarily required but instead and all the more a fast and uncomplicated reaction to suddenly changing boundary conditions like i.e. modified charges, different plate temperatures and so on is needful. In a rapidly accessible and easily performed teach-in routine new samples are read-in for the calculation of the new envelope curve bandwidth out of the acquired average values. Ready steady go! Then the worker switches over his control to MEASUREMENT PROCESS and everything is alright for the next 10,000 parts.
Additionally a trend tracking function can be activated. In correlation to a measurement curve that is steadily drifting away the envelope curve bandwidth is tracked until a predefinable trend limit. This can prove to be useful for example when the slowly occurring wearout of a clinching or rivet-ing tool is leading to a shifting of the force displacement curve but in fact does not effect the quality of the junction significantly. But when the predefined trend limit is reached, the control initiates a STOP.
Further it is interesting that DIGIFORCE® model 9310 is now supporting also piezo-electric load cells. The corresponding charge booster is optionally integrated. This new function enables the optimal solution of applications like they are found in the domain of clinching or punch riveting.
Quality assurance requirements for press-fit and joining processes often demand unbroken quality demonstration records. Likewise it is a major issue especially during the starting period of ma-chines to get an outline of the development of the entire process, so that at worst case precise countermeasures can be applied. Already the visual impression of a set of curves generated by the singular curves of many parts allows a lot of conclusions.
Users of the force-displacement controller DIGIFORCE® 9310 have access to such a tool. Digi-Control 9310 represents a windows software, that besides the already known functions backup and setup now also supports the automatic recording of measurement results, and this without any problems for up to a dozen measurement devices in one production line.
The user can choose amongst various formats of measurement data editing. For statistical obser-vation significant values such as curve entry and exit values of the evaluation windows can be stored in an excel file, where all DIGIFORCE®-acquired values of one press-fit process respec-tively of one part are shown in one line. Each column is assigned to a special characteristic. Thus it is possible for example to look at the diversification of the final force values of many thousands parts.
Furthermore a separate protocol can be generated for each part. This protocol shows the evalua-tion results including measuring curve with evaluation windows respectively envelope. For assem-bly units in which i.e. several press-fit operations are controlled by multiple DIGIFORCE®s a so-called group protocol can be generated, resuming the individual results of all press-fit operations belonging to the given assembly unit. Later-on a comfortable browser function enables the user to relocate those protocols very fast by means of the assigned serial number. This serial number ei-ther had been self-generated in advance by the software with reference to selectable criteria or it is provided by the higher-ranking control of the serial interface.
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