Phoenix|x-ray Systems + Services GmbH presents its high-resolution microfocus computed tomography system v|tome|x. The standard configuration consists of a 225 kV / 320 W directional tube, covers a wide range of applications and allows 3D as well as conventional 2D inspection.
This system is capable of producing a detailed three-dimensional radioscopic visualisation of the sample that can be inspected from all angels in tomographic slices and sections. In contrast to the 2D projection methods computed tomography can display overlapping parts separately. In particular, for long objects this means that the cross-section becomes accessible at any position along the axis.
Depending on the sample diameter a maximum geometric magnification from 1,44-fold to 100-fold can be achieved. The system may be optionally equipped with a high-power nanofocus® tube for increased resolution at higher magnifications.
The tomographic images are generated by means of the acquisition and reconstruction software datos|x. This easy-to-use visualisation software offers a wide range of features. The high efficiency of this software guarantees best image quality and volume reconstruction at all times.
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