Digital cabinet locks help Helsinki ...
Airport to improve regulatory compliance and...
According to a recent wide-ranging article on data security in Computer Weekly**: “physical security is key to maintaining the resilience and effectiveness of data centres… businesses end up exposing themselves to a range of risks if this area of security is ignored.” A lack of investment in the physical security of servers undermines the cyber-security of data assets — and vice versa.
Appropriate physical security controls manage risk by minimizing unauthorized access to servers. They protect against outsider intrusion and so-called “insider threats”, as well as accidental breaches and damage to server hardware.
Layered physical security for improved data protection
Aperio wireless locks fill a critical part of this holistic security picture: They protect valuable data by filtering physical access to servers. Server racking solutions may have different locking set-ups, so the Aperio product range has two lock types to accommodate this.
The Aperio KS100 Electronic Server Rack Lock provides comprehensive, wireless control and monitoring for racks and cabinets, incorporating sophisticated tamper protection. Optional online integration adds real-time control and lock status change alerts. The KS100 can be deployed wirelessly, either on-site or in a co-located data centre, and integrated seamlessly with an existing access system.
The C100 Electronic Server Rack Cylinder has a straightforward design suited to many types of server cabinet. It is wire-free and easy to fit, with no drilling or cabling at the cabinet: Installers simply swap an existing mechanical cylinder for this Aperio device. It is compatible with keyless access using any standard RFID technology and plugs straight into an access control system without complex database integration.
In addition to server rack locking, Aperio electronic door devices ensure only authorized staff and contractors even enter the server room itself. Battery-powered cylinders, escutcheons, security locks and a wireless handle with inbuilt RFID reader — all available for multiple door types and formats — provide key-free access control to keep potential threats away. Certified wireless locks are available for perimeter doors, too, further extending control and protection.
These devices are designed for seamless integration with all kinds of security management systems. Aperio enables facility and data centre managers to extend the reach of electronic security without replacing an existing system or creating unnecessary workload by running separate systems in parallel. On-demand audit trail capabilities tell security managers exactly who accessed any server and when.
Aperio provides this critical layer of data security cost effectively for an increasingly multi-layered security landscape, ensuring a deficit in physical protection does not leave the door open for onsite intruders or cyber-criminals. The right access control technologies make it easy for the right people to reach an organization’s servers — and keep everyone else out.
To learn more about Aperio access control solutions for servers and data centres, download a free guide at
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