Vote for this product, from June 1st until August 23rd 2021 (see category E, company Kemas)
Since a classic application of disinfectant liquids is not possible in self-service transfer systems, the properties of electromagnetic radiation in the UV-C range are used to deactivate Sars-Cov-2 viruses on surfaces. Only UV-C emitting LEDs are used as UV-C radiation sources in key transfer systems. These are integrated in the compartments known as Kemas-Keybox and activated by the transfer system depending on the process.
This radiation source, consisting of an array of several LEDs, is located behind a UV-permeable quartz glass panel and enables active irradiation of the closed compartment. In the course of containing global virus pandemics, Kemas is already making an contribution with systems for self-service and quasi contact-free transfer of objects.