05/22/2021 • Security, Video Security, Video Surveillance

Panasonic: i-PRO WV-X5550LT

Panasonic: AI Detection

Vote for this product, from June 1st until August 23rd 2021 (see category C, company Panasonic)

The i-PRO X5550LT camera with its AI engine and its SDK opens up a vast amount of opportunities for tailoring applications to specific vertical and business customers’ needs. In collaboration with Pixelvision, a Belgium software company, a solution was developed that meets the requirements of today’s police forces by being able to detect drivers that do not wear their seatbelts or use their mobile phones.

The X5550LT runs i-PRO and customized applications directly on the edge, and enables capturing images of the driver and the license plate simultaneously, also through the curved windshield and with headlights during nighttime. The various filters allow a clear image inside vehicles during varying weather conditions, despite curved windshields or reflective headlights. Pixelvision combines these traits with their highly accurate, state-of-art computer vision models which automatically detect and classify various situations.

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