Alltech Dosieranlagen GmbH presents a complete system for phosphate elimination, consisting of storage and dosing station with safety devices and control system.
Most important requirements for the users of these systems are chemical consumption and output values. The high dosing accuracy of our systems leads to improved treatment results and minimized chemical consumption.
These dosing systems achieve excellence in quality, reliability and safety.
The use of our phosphate elimination systems allows to realize cost reduction potentials through low energy consumption, accurate dosing and long maintenance intervals.
Our PE and PP tanks have design certification No. Z-40.21-51 and No. Z-40.21-27 as well as TTV certification (test report No. 116.01.98 and No. 03.02.99).
The storage and dosing stations with electrical control are available in 6 standard sizes as well as in special design. Our range of services includes also consultancy, installation, commisionning, training and maintenance.
Procon is the heart of the control system. The operation is done via the text display, programmable for seven days and 24 cycles per day. By this, the empirically determined need of precipitant can exactly be programmed. As a result, the costs for chemicals decrease, although the instrumentation costs stay relatively low.
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