Vote for this product, until August 23rd, 2019 (see category B, company GfG Gesellschaft für Gerätebau)
The Polytector III G999 is one of the smallest, portable multi-gas detectors that features an integrated suction pump and a radio module. The G999 features three electrochemical sensors and one infrared sensor. Depending on the model, the fifth sensor slot can be equipped with a variety of sensors, like: a catalytic combustion sensor, a combined catalytic combustion/semiconductor sensor, a PID or a fourth electrochemical sensor. This allows the simultaneous monitoring of a multitude of gas combinations and gas concentrations. The pump enables controlled measurement of confined spaces. For protection of Lone Workers, the radio will send continuous information regarding the Man down alarm status and the gas concentration to an alarm response center. The detector allows monitoring of toxic and flammable gases and vapors, monitoring O2 concentrations and is suitable for control measures of confined spaces.